Thursday, January 6, 2011

Living In Denial

Yep. You read it right. I'm gonna live in denial for the rest of the year. Hahaha

Here's why.

1. I'm gonna deny the fact that it's already 2011. It's too fast for 2011, I hadn't had enough of 2010 yet.

2. I'm gonna deny the fact that I'm going to be 19 this year. No offense people but, 19?! That's so freaking old!! I don't even feel anything close to 18, let alone 19.

3. I'm also going to not acknowledge that I'm going to end my college life by August. Geez. It feels as if I hadn't even started college yet.

4. I'm also going to NOT make any resolutions because.. well, because I do not want to acknowledge the year 2011, yet. (Y)

5. I'm also going to pretend that I have a lot of great *fill in the blanks* in college.

6. The greatest denial of all. I'm going to not acknowledge the fact that I'm getting closer to adulthood.

Bring it on, 2011! I'm not afraid of you! Hahaha