Tuesday, May 17, 2011


See, I've always wanted to get a tattoo. But my parents, being the typical Asians, doesn't really allow it since I'm not 'officially' an adult yet. I'm thinking of getting one soon thought. But I'm at a lost. Haha I don't really know what kind of design I want although I have a few locations in my mind.

Lower back. It's pretty common and many people chose this area for their tattoos. However, it's pretty hard to choose the perfect design. And.. Well, I wanna make sure I choose the perfect one for me seeing as it'll be a lifetime commitment. :D

Neck. I think having clusters of stars trailing down from your neck to your back ala Rihanna's style is pretty nice. Or maybe at the pelvic region? Haha

Upper back. Maybe have a design there or maybe some words?

Ankle. This, I'm torn. I don't know to have a design there or have an anklet there.

There's so many options that I want! Now, which one to choose? :)

This is super pretty!

The stars :)

This is actually quite nice. But I don't know if I'd have the guts to do it. :/

Butterfly! One of the most common tattoos.

This word inking is pretty cool. But I'd prefer it at the lower back though. :)