Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Worried and depressed

I'm worried about my dad. He's been in the hospital since.. Last Friday. Are infections after biopsy supposed to take this long to recover?

Anyways, he's tried 3 different antibiotics, none of which works. So he's gonna try out the 4th type.

And I'm so tired. I have to spend these few days becoming the driver of the family. I don't even get the chance to go home after I leave house and 730 in the morning until about 10 at night. I don't mind, and I'm not complaining. But the thing is, I have quizzes this Thursday. 3 subjects this week and another next week and I haven't gotten the chance to study a single thing or do my homework. Plus I've skipped a couple of classes so I really needa study in order to understand the missed lessons.

I really really hope that my dad'll get well soon.