Thursday, November 25, 2010

You know you're a bitch when..

1. You back stab other people.

2. You gossip about almost everyone and everything.
3. You're a boyfriend/girlfriend snatcher.
4. You're a heartbreaker.
5. You sleep around and make out with random people (eh wait. That makes you a slut. Oops, my bad! :D)
6. You cheat on your partner.
7. You're double-faced.
8. You bitch about everything everyday.
9. You care more about popularity than your own friends' feelings.
10. You're really mean, as in not the joking kind of mean, but really genuinely mean.
11. You befriend people just because they can benefit you.
12. You look for popularity instead of genuine friendships and live in a materialistic world.

AND, you're a bitch if.. I say so. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA kidding! Seriously, I was just joking :)