Monday, May 3, 2010

THE Interview

So today was the interview for Taylor's World Class scholarship.

Before I talk about the interview, let me bangga-kan diri a little. XP

Ok, so this is a full tuition fee waiver scholarship that are being sponsored by corporate companies. There are 8 companies that sponsor for Business Studies so there'll be one recipient for each company. So there are around 4-5 shortlisted candidates that are being invited to the interview and according to the girl in charge, they received more than 200 applications for Business Studies but only 30 people were being shortlisted (including me). Haha

And after that, the corporate companies will then choose 4 or 5 candidates for themselves and I was being chosen by Loreal.

The interview was being conducted and seriously, it went really good. I impressed myself!! LOL. But the point is, it was really smooth and really well and my interview ended at around 1245.

So after that I went to Putrajaya with my dad to settle some stuff and I got a call from Taylor's to attend another interview under Siemens. So I went back for the interview. I then asked the lady in charge why do I have to go through this for another company and she told me that the previous interviewers HIGHLY RECOMMENDED me to participate in this interview. Which means, I lost my chance in Loreal. With furthur enquiries, I found out that Loreal was actually really impressed with my presentation and stuff but because there was another GUY that was equally impressive, they gave the scholarship to the GUY. This is soooo sexist!! Sex discrimination!!! Hahaha kidding. So they thought it was a waste that I couldn't get it (which I should, haha) so they wanted me to attend another one. And I don't know the result yet.

Oh and my dad was real helpful. He told me this,"If I were the interviewer and there's a guy and a girl who did really well, I'll choose the guy." Gee, thanks dad. I feel alot better now.

But anyways, whatever will be, will be. So cross your fingers for me peeps!