Monday, May 10, 2010

The jerk

I've read an interview with this jerk in CLEO magazine's latest issue. Go check it out if you can, you'll hate him for sure.

"I can get any girls/women that I want" Yeah well, that's the quote for all-time losers. They THINK they're so high and mighty and all girls are falling head over heels for them but they're just deluded. Don't you know, losers, that in this modern world, girls could also be after u losers just for your money or for sex? Don't delude yourself into thinking that there are FEELINGS involved too - that's if you're an all-time jerk.

Anyways, yeah, if you're rich and hot, you can get inside anyone's(regardless of the gender) pants but whatever it is, you'll never ever get someone who'll love and accept you fully for who you are.

Dream on, losers.