Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our Predicted (doomed) Future

Okay, okay! News alert people!! The world is coming to an end. And it's all being predicted. Most of the big events that have happened in the past are being predicted years ago by none other than the Bulgarian prophet, Baba Vanga.

This information was in Galaxie's latest May 17-31 issue. You guys can go check it out or google it. It's all in the web.

Baba Vanga, whose real name was Vangelia Gushterova, was a prophet from Bulgaria who predicted 911. She was actually born in 1911 and passed away in 1996. So apparently, she wasn't alive to see 911 happen. Anyways, when she was 12 years old, she was lifted by the wind in a storm and thrown onto the ground from great height. When she was found, she had sand and dirt in her eyes and she became blind.

Then she started foretelling things.

When her older brother, Vasil wanted to join the army but Baba Vanga cried and begged him not to go cuz she had foreseen he would die at the age of 23. Vasil went anyways and was arrested and executed by the Germans at the age of 23.

In 1989, Baba Vanga predicted that the World Trade Centre would fall after being attacked by "steel birds". In 1980, she predicted that either in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk would be covered by water. At first everyone was puzzled because Kursk is one of the city in Russia but in August 2000, the Russian submarine, named Kursk, sank, leaving no survivors.

It was also said from my research in the internet that Baba Vanga predicted the break up of Soviet Union, the Chernobyl disaster, the date of Stalin's death, Princess Dianna's death etc etc.

This ash cloud that's happening right now, you know, the volcanic ash that's covering Europe has been foretold as the beginning of the end for Europe. You see, Baba Vanga predicted that in November 2010, World War 3 will begin. As a result, radioactive fallout will destroy almost all life in the Northern Hemisphere.

Okay, and based on my research, there are many, many dates in the future whereby things have been foretold. But I will not list out all of it because it's too long, and I'm not sure whether all of it is accurate or not. I'll just list down the ones that Galaxie has also listed down.

In 2018, China will become the new superpower. By 2046, all body organs can be reproduced (stem cells? Remember, Baba Vanga died before stem cell was even known). In 2111, people will become like robots (Cyborgs? Terminators?)

In 2125, we will have first contact with aliens (although I must add that Baba Vanga has long since told the world that alien exists and the alien race that she can communicate with is called Vamfim, which comes from the 3rd planet or realm from earth). Then, in 2130, with the help from these friendly aliens, we'll be able to live underwater. In 2164, animals will turn half-human.

In 2196, all races would have completely mixed. In 2221, while searching for ETs in space, humans will encounter something terrible. In 2341, something terrible will approach Earth from space.

After that, in 3797, Earth will die but humans will have advanced enough to move to a new star system. In 4509, we will commune directly with God. And in 4599, people will achieve immortality. But it was also predicted that the world will end in 5079.

So now, I'm going to quote what the author of this particular article said which made me LMAO: "All I can say is - Wow! Prophecy or not, it makes one good James Cameron movie, hopefully in 3D" Haha! Like, wth rite?? LOL!!!

Well, we won't be around by the time all this happen but we'll see whether that World War 3 does happen in November this year. In the meantime, hope you enjoyed this piece of information. =)