Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Love, Love, Love My Life!

I'm currently so in love with my life and the way it's going right now.

For the last 2 days, I went and tried Yoga and Jazz with Mun - and I fell in love with both classes. Yoga was great. I was sweating like crazy and I really need to use up almost all my muscles for it. That was my fist try. I'm starting Yoga officially next week.

Jazz was fun! I love it alot. It's more like modern dancing and the tempo's quite fast. I love dancing and moving to the rhythm. So I'm considering joining jazz too. But I think the combination of these two could be quite a..something. My whole body is aching like crazy now! Especially my hips, back and butt. Oh and btw, jazz consists of lotsa hip and body movement. And butt too!

Then, I'm starting piano lessons this week. Tomorrow, to be precise. Oh, it's like all my dreams when I was a kid are finally coming true! I feel giddy with excitement.

Oh and yesterday, I bought the whole Shopaholic series in MPH. 5 books for RM139.90. Not bad, eh? U know how much I love to read. I'm already starting on the first book. Hee..

All in all, I love the way my life's going rite now. Even tho I have to cut off all my long nails for piano, it's worth giving it up to realise one of your biggest dreams in life. It's always worth it. =)